Thursday, September 10, 2009

60 SECOND DAILY TIPS FOR A BETTER DAY!! (From The Chronicles of an Unemployed Single Girl, Who Somehow Still Has Hope!)

That got your attention huh?

Ive been spending my last nine unemployed months searching for a job from about nine in the morning until five at night, just like the experts I watch on the "Today," show in my PJ's each morning suggest. "It will pay off, Lucy." That is what my father keeps saying, but as I sit here months later with a peanut butter hangover and an email box filled of rejections, I question his words of wisdom. The prognosis seems grim and it's times like these that optimisms seems as out of date as having a myspace account. Smiles have faded, bank accounts have emptyed and even the girl at the grocery store won't smile back at me anymore. But inspite of a changing world I have to believe in something else, (and my myspace account.) As all my unemployed and unhappy cohorts scream, "Give Me Something To Believe In, " I answer, "Okay." I will.

That is my challenge. I don't have the answer to life, but I do have 60 seconds each day to come up with something that will make your life better. Maybe a deal I found on-line to save some cash, the perfect shirt to hide your un-perfect abs, a way to make your abs perfect, or just a saying I found to make you smile.

I guarentee that in sixty days of my 60 seconds cures, you will be cutting off less people, smiling when you pull into the work parking lot or unemployment office and you will most defintely not be eating as much peanut butter.

So come along and tell your friends, what do have to lose besides 60 seconds a day of reading something that might just help you out?

And if you don't like it, feel free to leave a comment below, I know you will:)

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