Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?

"Blocking out what people tell me I should look like and owning what I do look like; curves and all!"
-Amy,24, NY, NY

Monday, November 30, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?

"I'm too exhausted to tell you."
-Anonymous, 45, Boston, MA.


Monday, November 16, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?

"Being the best mom, the best friend, the best wife, the best employee and best at holding it together...that's what it means to me."

-Cheryl, 38, Chicago, IL.


Friday, November 13, 2009

WOMAN: What does it mean to be one?

"Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me." -Maya Angelou

Dr. Maya Angelou had her vision of what it means to be a woman and I know YOU have one too. I'm gathering the thoughts of sensational women from around the globe, like you, that know what it means to be a woman.

It can be a paragraph, a line, or a word that you feel describes you as a woman or women everywhere! Send in your pearls of wisdom with your city and state, or whatever info you want. Then check back here for a collection of wisdom from women WORLDWIDE, like you! Together we make up the mother's, sister's, daughter's, lover's, healer's, leader's and believer's of today. You are a WOMAN...what does that mean to you?

Send your comments to: and check back often for insight from women worldwide, just like you!

Friday, October 9, 2009


My life has not been glamours lately. I spend a lot of time with my computer, writing my new book and look for a J-O-B that pays money, but like Cyndi Lauper taught me years ago, girls still need to have some fun. In order to honor my inner Cindi I devised a plan that has seemed to really work, that plan is something I call, "SEXY NIGHT!" (Notice the "Y" guys!)

It doesn't matter if you are single, taken or alone, here is how the plan works. Call up your girls, or try and get your man on board and let them know you are spending a whole night devoted to having fun, being sexy and enjoying it FOR NO REASON other than to do it. Make reservations at your favorite restaurant, or cook in. You can go as BIG or as small with this as money allows, but just do it.

Get a dress, or break out a old one you have only worn once or twice. We don't need an invitation to a party or some fancy party as a reason to look good, feel good and have fun. WE CAN CREATE OUR OWN PLACES TO BE!! You can get dressed up fancy, in that little black dress and go to McDonald's with the girls. (Although as a health freak I wouldn't recommend that cuisine, you get the point.)

DON'T WAIT FOR A REASON - CREATE THE REASON! So get on your favorite outfit, phone a friend, feel good and be the best you there is!! HAPPY FRIDAY AND HAVE A SAFE WEEKEND FILLED WITH LOVE AND A SEXY NIGHT!!

Be blessed until Tuesday,

Lucy D.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I'm back, feeling better, but not without a little damage.

You know when you are having the worst day? You are tired, or maybe sick or maybe just have your grumpy pants on? It's so easy to blame the person in traffic, your boss, or the person with 15 items in the 10 item or less line. The worst is though when you get home, and you still are angry, but now the bad driver is home, your boss is done work, the person in front of you has unpacked their groceries, but you are left with the bad feelings. The result, for me at least is I tend to act like a JACKASS.

I am mean, usually to the people I love. I am short tempered and rude and do things I don't even want to do. I hate that. I hate being that person, but instead of hating what you did and then just digging yourself deeper and deeper, I have a tip and trick to turn your grumpy mean pants around and make your day better. Ready? It's as simple as this: Just say sorry.

That's it, it's that easy. Just say sorry. Last night it took me eight hours of tossing and turning, not sleeping, being even more rude, but I finally caved and said "sorry." You couldn't imagine the almost immediate release of anger from my body. It disappeared quicker than a brownie from my counter when it's that time of the month.

Were there problems that needed to be talked about, in my case yes, but sometimes you can just say sorry and that is the end of the anger, the grump pants and your bad day. I always find it so funny, it takes just three words most days, I AM SORRY, and they sometimes are the last thing people thing of.

So today's tip to a better day; just say it, say "sorry." You'll be surprised how things start to turn around.

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Although I'm getting better, the flu still currently owns me people. There will be more tips and tricks to living your best, brightest and sexiest life very very soon. But for now, I am back to bed!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daily Tip: Don't get the FLU!!

Sorry readers I've been sick for days so not much energy for writing, but promise to be back soon!
In the meantime here are some upsides of the flu so far that I've found:

Positives of the flu:
1.I have come to know my toilet bowel more intimately
2.I lost five pounds
3.Sleep, sleep and more sleep
4.I don't have to pick up my phone and talk to those silly bill people
5.I get to give my body a break!

Be blessed and flu free!!!

Lucy D.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

D.T (Daily Tip) FOR A BETTER DAY: Check out this website!

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know by now I sometimes tread on unstable ground, especially lately. It's easy to get down, feel sorry for ourselves and whine about our lives, so I often search for things to brighten my day and yours!
Today is a link and a story worth learning about! It will lift your spirits and also make you realize what we all have is more AMAZING than we could even imagine.

Check out this incredible story right here: - Just the trailer made we want to get up, find some kids and plant a garden. (Watch the link and that statement won't sound nearly as twisted as it currently seems to:)

Your 60 second tip for the day: Stay close to inspiring people, because it rubs off!!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Life is hard sometimes. That's just the way it is. When we all are balancing so much, you are bound to feel tired, overworked, under appreciated and the list goes on. I know the experts say don't run out and shop your worries away, but I feel a need to tweak that statement a bit. Don't run out and blow your life's savings, but a small gift for yourself never hurt anyone, and in fact, it has only helped!

It doesn't need to be a new car, or hundreds of dollars of clothes, just a small something can lift your spirits. I was down today and I just got in the car and took a stroll to TJMAX. $19.99 and a brand new pair of jeans later, I felt like a new woman. Some people say that's fleeting happiness, I say that's a building block towards happiness. Is it the end all be all, NO. Will it solve my problems, NO. But it will help me to keep feeling positive, taking care of myself, my mind, my body and soul. It won't fix those things or heal those things, but it will nurture them and it DEFINITELY will make me have a better day!

So your 60 second tip for the day: Treat yourself, make it small, (or make it BIG if you have the money,) but make sure you nurture what you have built or it may slowly start to fade away. (And doing the work to get it back again will be A HUGE pain.)

Until tomorrow Be Blessed,

Lucy D.:)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DAILY TIP FOR A BETTER AND SEXIER DAY: Try this legal substance!

I am happy to test this one out for you ladies! (And gentlemen, sorry guys!)
We hear it all the time, "Drink more water, you'll feel so much better." It has gotten to the point where most days all I hear is "BLAH BLAH BLAH," when an expert says the word water. Today's tip though is from one disbeliever to all my readers, water really helps you have a better day and better life!!!

I use to love water. I would drink around 8 glasses, even more some days. But as I have settled into my unemployment lifestyle, walking to the water cooler has faded from my behavioral patterns. Instead it's usually my laptop, my coffee and Hoda and Kathie Lee until 11am. Before I know it, it's 2pm and I have hardly had ONE glass of water. The result, I'm more tired, I eat more and my face looks like I am a 13 year old girl just experiencing my first rush of hormones. In a few words, I'm a mess.

It makes sense, our bodies are 60-70 percent water, (at least according to wikepedia.) So why would I not drink water? Sure, it's not as sexy as my grande soy pumpkin spice latte, but it's cheaper and better for us and in the end, I AM THE SEXY ONE, NOT MY DRINK!! NO JOKE. The more hydrated I am the better I feel inside and out.

So, your 60 second tip for a better day: DRINK MORE WATER!!! You will eat less, spend less on acne medication and over priced coffee drinks, and you will be more sexy! What else could you ask for from a free and legal substance?

Until tomorrow BE BLESSED,

Lucy D.

Monday, September 28, 2009

DAILY TIP TO A BETTER AND SEXIER DAY: Feel Your Feelings (I promise you won't get arrested!)

We spend our lives in front of computers, hiding from co-workers, unwrapping tiny candies in attempt to add some flavor, some excitement, some sexiness to our lives. I have done it time and time again, but what if there was another way?

What if instead of masking our feelings of boredom, anger, or fear, we felt them? I know it's scary right? I could go on and on about my theory of feelings, but this is only a 60 second read so I'll keep my message short and to the point; we have feelings for a reason, don't try to hide from them or ignore them because they find you again and again and no matter how badly you want them to just go away, they won't until you acknowledge they are here to begin with.

As much as many of use don't believe it, feelings are here to help. They warn us of danger, tell us if we are miserable in a situation and need to change, or help us smile and laugh. Feel bored at work? Maybe you need a bigger challenge, not an ice cream cone. Feel angry? Talk it out with a friend. Instead of masking your life, make it come ALIVE!! Make it fun, make it sexy, make it what you want it to be!!

We all have excuses, and if you want to email them to me, Ill help you come up with a solution!! But until then, step away from the emotion killer candy bowl in the office center, FEEL YOU FEELINGs, and enjoy a a happy, healthier, sexier life!!!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Friday, September 25, 2009


We've all been there. We are feeling sick, like we about to pass out by the water cooler from the heat radiating through our clammy and cold bodies. We could be on the verge of hospitalization and still will not stay home from work. Although with the recent epidemic of the swine flu, or newly named so pig farmers don't get too upset, H1N1 virus, things have changed some. More people are opting to take that sick day and take a break, but if you are one of the many who decide to push on and show up anyway, well then this tip of the day is for you!

My phone rang last night and it was my good friend "A". "A" sounded horrible, like if she was standing next to me I would stand 600 feet in the other direction. Her head hurt, she had been vomiting and yet she was ironing a shirt for work.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?," was of course my response.

"But I have to go in. It's Friday and if I don't...."

I stopped "A" before she could finish. If you don't what will happen?

The world will end? You will get fired? Your company will be forced to be shut down?
All of which she answered a soft, "No."

Of course there may be things to get done, but surely she was not the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD that could do those things. We don't like to admit it, trust me, I get it,I'm egocentric at times as well, but the world won't stop and our companies won't shut down if we don't go to work for ONE day.

Is your ego and pride more important than your health?

Besides, it's been my experience that when I stay home for 1 DAY, (just ONE DAY,) I am well by Day #2. When I go to work, hacking up my right kidney just to proof to everyone I am committed, it can take a week, sometimes more to feel better. Why do that to you? YOU DESERVE BETTER! You deserve to have the best day possible, whether you are sick or healthy.

SO TODAY'S 60 SECOND TIP TO A BETTER DAY: TAKE A SICK DAY! Nobody will think any less of you and your body and Fred in accounting will most certainly thank you!

Be blessed until Monday!

Lucy D.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I almost didn't post my blog today. I was feeling down again, singing the "I don't know what to do with my life," blues and not knowing what could help ANYONE have a better day! After a brief and silent deliberation with myself, I came to the conclusion it was okay to skip a day. Like the gym, nobody will notice right? Right.

Just as I made a firm resolution to not write, something started eating at me. I quickly logged on to my Facebook account in attempt to dull the voices out of my head, that urged me to honor my commitment and write. As I wasted time on the mind numbing FB, looking at other people's lives, a friend Im'd with a simple but profound question.

"Hey, how r u?"

Too which I respond, "Freaking horrible!"

It was a simple question with a simple answer and a simple outcome. I felt better. By the end of our 15 minute conversation I was not only laughing and light, I was feeling like things were okay again. As we hung up, or closed out of our search engines, I realized that now I had something to write about. I had something important to share. After all, that is the point of the blog, to help, not just to listen to myself type.

So today's 60 second tip to a better day: PHONE A FRIEND (OR FB THEM,) EITHER WAY YOU FEEL BETTER THAN YOU DID BEFORE THE CONVERSATION STARTED! (And if that friend doesn't work, try another;)

Until tomorrow, be blessed,

Lucy D.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

DAILY TIP TO A BETTER AND SEXIER DAY: If your down chocolate is NOT the answer!

If your feeling down, like a lot of us are lately with a bogus economy, vanishing bank accounts and expanding waistlines a little chocolate seems like it may help brighten the day. But trust me, from someone who has tested the theory, it is not the answer. (And we all know one piece leads to 101 pieces blah blah blah...)

Instead how about a fall walk outside, some deep yoga breathes or a call to a friend. It doesn't scintillate the taste buds, but the result is much more pleasant and wont use up your caloric intake for the day.

SO YOUR 60 SECOND TIP FOR THE DAY (OR 30 SECOND) : Put down the chocolate and pick up the phone. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Friday, September 18, 2009



Today's 60 second tip seems negative, but I assure it will no doubt help you have a better day. We all the know the saying "when life hands you lemons make lemonade." It's a saying that is right in line with what I'm trying to do here; help us all see that there are ways to make everyday better. But I have found through trial and lots of errors, this phrase could use a makeover. So, my fellow bloggers I propose the saying go something like this: "When life gives you lemons it's okay to despise them, but only for an hour then it's back to living!"

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying waste your whole day and feel sorry for yourself. What I'm saying is it's okay to take a time out if you are having a bad day and feel down. It's okay to have feelings that are not all positive, just make sure they occupy no more than an hour of your day.

About four years ago things in my life were far from perfect. I had no job, I had to move and didn't know where I was going, a guy I was dating dumped me in an email saying, "there was just no spark." (Translation ladies...I wouldn't sleep with him so he had no use for me.) Needless to say I was a mess. (Kind of like now.)

Watching my endless struggle, a good friend gave me some advice that I now pass down to you. She told me we all need to give ourselves an hour a day to feel bad and mourn your losses if we have them, but then, after the hour, back to living our life! I was a skeptic; it's just my natural state. So needless to say I was shocked when I took her advice and it WORKED!

I personally choose to divided up my time, 15 mins., here, 15 mins. there, and it's a trick I had to use today. I feel down. I feel useless. I feel like I'll never work again. So, I gave myself an hour to honor the fact I despise LEMONS and then got back to work!


Good luck with your lemons:)


Lucy D.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

DAILY TIP FOR A BETTER AND HEALTHIER DAY: Too much of anything will hurt you in the end!

Do remember that quote, "Too much of anything will hurt you in the end." We've all heard it probably thousands of times from thousands of sources. My first encounter with the devastating phrase was from my mother's lips into my eight year old ears that wanted more bubble gum ice cream from the corner store.

I remember it clearly because it was one of the first times I was certain, my mother was WRONG! How could all the bubble gum ice cream in the world hurt anyone? But as the years have passed I've come to realize, like most times I argued her theories, my mother was actually right. The saying not only applies to ice cream, but it applies to people, places and lots of legal and illegal things.

Today, I relearned the lesson with a bag of granola. Having struggled with an eating disorder I should for sure know the lesson by now. But half way through the bag, I guess my mind and body needed some re-education on the accuracy of my mother's wisdom.

By the time the bag that was "too good to put down," was done, I felt horrible. My body felt sick, was self-esteem was lowered and my jeans pinched into my waist a bit more than before. As an almost certified personal trainer I know this one time splurge won't kill me or my weight, but it was a great reminder that "too much of anything, no matter how good originally, will hurt you in the end."

So today's 60 second tip of the day is this: Enjoy the moments of ecstasy and happiness in your life and then let them pass. Don't hold on to them until they are no longer beautiful.

No matter what it is, or who it is, too much of anything will hurt you in the end and I promise, a new moment will return again shortly and make you even happier than the last.

Be Blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Happy Hump Day to Everyone!

Today's 60 second tip is one I know about ALL TO WELL. Today we are talking about one thing; procrastination. (With a "P" boys...a "P," so get your head out of the gutter:)

Since Monday I have had a list of things I needed to do; that I wanted to do really. As my boyfriend ironed his collared shirts for the work week Sunday night, I decided I needed to do something productive as well and helping iron was out of the question. (I'm not sure if I was sick for a week in 6th grad home economics, but I am HORRIBLE at ironing.)

So I left my boyfriend, his iron and the VMA's to go to my desk and make a list of all the items for Monday I wanted to accomplish. I proudly filled the bright pink stick note with items, placed it aside and rejoined the circus on my TV.

The list was short and mainly all about writing a few emails. Monday passed quicker than anticipated, then Tuesday and, well you know the rest of the story. It is now Wednesday afternoon at 2:50pm. I just worked out, the house looks spotless, my closet is now ready for fall, but the bright pink list of items has not yet been touched.

Have I thought about the list? Yes, lots, but I haven't done a thing. And as more days pass the tasks seem increasingly more daunting and difficult. As I began to think about today's blog though I opened my email, looked at the list and accomplished one of the things.

It was if the heavens parted or a mac truck was removed from my chest as I pressed the "send" button from my account. It was at that second I had a revelation. I wasn't doing what was on the list because I thought it would be hard or painful, but in reality there was more pain in NOT doing what was on the list. The avoidance hurt more than the actual task.


Be blessed until tomorrow.

Lucy D.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Good Morning:)

Hope you are enjoying your tips so far. They have helped me maintain my own sanity as I look for work and I hope they do the same for someone else.

Today's tip is a simple one that for sure changed the way I looked at myself today and hopefully can do the same for you. TIP OF THE DAY: GET A HAIR CUT!!!!

I found myself rubbing my eyes from six hours of job searching and thought, "Hey this is a great time to take a break." As I rose from my decade old hard wooden chair I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My decision to take a break quickly turned into the worst choice of my life as I looked in the mirror. Any ounce of self esteem that once existed quickly fizzled out of my body and washed itself down my bathroom sink as I gazed at the horrifying sight of my dead hair. I know, I know, hair is dead to begin with, but my hair was not just dead it was slain dead. It wasn't laying there still and at peace, it was mangled and slaughtered, looking angry and vengeful.

The deadness and spilt ends started to consume me. What if I got an interview? I couldn't go to it like this. What if I wanted to leave the house someday? I couldn't do it like this. I frantically started to dial hair salons looking for the best deal. As I set my two o'clock appointment I felt relieved and excited.

There is nothing like a hair cut. I sat in the chair as the hair dresser worked her magic, releasing the spilt ends and laying them to rest on the salon's floor. When all the washing and cutting was done, I was a new woman. It doesn't matter where you go, super cuts for 15 dollar or to a fancy salon, the feeling of rejuvenation is the same and sometimes, a little bit of rejuvenation goes an extra long way. I looked at myself in the mirror no longer stunned and was ready to get back to work looking for work, a much happier person.

So the 60 second tip of the day, Get a hair cut, rejuvenate and be the best version of you! Employed or not, you deserve it!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

BONUS TIP - If you are unemployed call around, some places will cut your hair FOR FREE!!!!! You just need to prove you are unemployed!!! Enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2009


HELLO BLOGGER FRIENDS!!!! Welcome back from the weekend!! I hope yours was filled with amazing things.

Quick update: Still unemployed and still hoping this is not Darwin's theory at work because besides the no job thing, I really like my life.

In the meantime, I am still on a mission; to bring you a tip each day in 60 seconds or less that will make your day a little bit better. My tip today is a rental, a cheap rental or even a cheap buy. (Hey, if a nine month unemployed, student loan filled, single gal could pick it up, you can too:)!)

The rental you cannot miss is a movie called "WIT." Never heard of it right? Neither had I until a friend, who was probably sick of me babbling about my problems, told me to check it out. So Saturday night after a good dinner with an even better friend, me and a bag of 94% fat free popcorn laid on my dull brown couch and soaked in a master piece.

In two words, unimaginably good.

If you want to be inspired to live a better life, watch WIT. If you want to be inspired to be a better person, take each day with a grain of salt and a bit of gratitude, watch WIT! You can get it for six bucks because 1.) It's old, and 2.) There obviously was no marketing budget because ten out of ten people I surveyed didn't know it existed.

Whatever your circumstance; too many projects, not enough projects, too many kids, not enough kids, this movie will turn your world around in a good way for once. So today, here is my 60 second tip, watch "WIT." It will make you laugh, cry and most importantly have a much, much, much better day.

See y'all tomorrow and thanks for reading.

Lucy D.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I realized last night as I wrapped up my post that we really are in this together. We all are trying to make our days a little bit brighter. And with Joe Wilson vs.Obama, images of war, and the regular run down of car crashes and homicides constantly on your local news we all know it's needed.

So, here we go. I thought about finding a hope filled story to share, or a recipe that magically dissolves 5 pounds of fat, and although those may be posts for the future, I wanted to start off more simply. Today's 60 Second tip to a new you and a better day is a simple one. It's a lesson from Doctor turned Journalist, Allan K Chalmers, (perhaps the year 1834's version of Dr. Phil.) Regardless of his history, Dr. Chalmers most famous statement is your 60 second lesson of the day, "The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

So simple, so true and so possible. Don't get me wrong, easier said than done for sure, but just because it takes some effort doesn't mean it's not worth trying. I am the Queen of excuses. I have been jobless for months, but always am "too busy," to get coffee with a friend, how is that possible? I don't like making plans or having something to do if I don't have work, but I need to stop and get out of the house. Maybe my "having something to do," is meeting friends for coffee, at least for right now. It doesn't matter what your something to do is, SO JUST DO IT!

Something to love could be seen as daunting for many, especially us girl, becuase when you see the statement most people read it as "someone to love," or at least I did. Then my mind quickly wanders to how I'm in my late 20's, watching my friends have babies and I'm not even married, but it doesn't say somebody, its says something. If that something is a person, that's great. I personally love to love people, but if it's not a person that's okay too. SO JUST LOVE!

The last is my favorite. I have so many dreams there isn't enough time in the universe to fulfill them all, but the quest for them has been the only thing keeping me going. Whether your hope is for a job, a new dishwasher or a new husband, whatever it is, don't give up on it. Hope is what keeps the world moving, it's what keeps us growing and reaching. SO JUST HOPE!

JUST DO IT - JUST LOVE - JUST HOPE - That's your 60 second lesson to a better day:) Try and see how it goes, I promise it will be worth it! See y'all Monday:)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

60 SECOND DAILY TIPS FOR A BETTER DAY!! (From The Chronicles of an Unemployed Single Girl, Who Somehow Still Has Hope!)

That got your attention huh?

Ive been spending my last nine unemployed months searching for a job from about nine in the morning until five at night, just like the experts I watch on the "Today," show in my PJ's each morning suggest. "It will pay off, Lucy." That is what my father keeps saying, but as I sit here months later with a peanut butter hangover and an email box filled of rejections, I question his words of wisdom. The prognosis seems grim and it's times like these that optimisms seems as out of date as having a myspace account. Smiles have faded, bank accounts have emptyed and even the girl at the grocery store won't smile back at me anymore. But inspite of a changing world I have to believe in something else, (and my myspace account.) As all my unemployed and unhappy cohorts scream, "Give Me Something To Believe In, " I answer, "Okay." I will.

That is my challenge. I don't have the answer to life, but I do have 60 seconds each day to come up with something that will make your life better. Maybe a deal I found on-line to save some cash, the perfect shirt to hide your un-perfect abs, a way to make your abs perfect, or just a saying I found to make you smile.

I guarentee that in sixty days of my 60 seconds cures, you will be cutting off less people, smiling when you pull into the work parking lot or unemployment office and you will most defintely not be eating as much peanut butter.

So come along and tell your friends, what do have to lose besides 60 seconds a day of reading something that might just help you out?

And if you don't like it, feel free to leave a comment below, I know you will:)