Monday, June 21, 2010


As soon as I heard the news, "You can't eat gluten anymore Lucia," I wasn't sure what to do.(I'm Italian, we basically shower in gluten.) I use to think my choices were either eating gluten filled foods, and spending the whole day passed out on the couch or having a life filled with nothing fun! I went through the standard stages of grieving:

DENIAL; "WHY ME!!! Why not that girl that sits in the cubicle to my left! She doesn't even like gluten!"
ANGER; "I hate you gluten. I hate you!"
BARGAINING; "Maybe I can have just one donut hole?"
DEPRESSION; "There is no life after gluten. NO LIFE!"
And now finally, ACCEPTANCE!! "Gluten free living can not only be fun, but is a much more healthy and stomachache free way of living than before!"

This blog is all about "HAF," to have gluten free foods and tips Ive found in the last two years I've been living with being gluten free. "HAF," to have foods are HEALTHY, AFFORDABLE AND FUN," all the things I have found lead to me sticking to Doctors orders and just living a better life style in general!

Also something I have found is that I use to not eat all my favorite gluten filled food because they just cost too much to buy!!! (Who has $10 dollars to spend on a personal pizza that is gluten free, not this girl, and not lots of people that need to live gluten free.) So I have tested and tried different recipes, and am still doing it, to come up with LOTS of options that are not only, good for you and fun, but CHEAP too. I'm just starting this whole crazy blogging adventure, so I hope you'll come along for the ride and learn that eating gluten free is not only better for you, but can be filled with "HAF," to have experiences and foods that are so good, you'll forget that the word Gluten ever existed!

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