Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I almost didn't post my blog today. I was feeling down again, singing the "I don't know what to do with my life," blues and not knowing what could help ANYONE have a better day! After a brief and silent deliberation with myself, I came to the conclusion it was okay to skip a day. Like the gym, nobody will notice right? Right.

Just as I made a firm resolution to not write, something started eating at me. I quickly logged on to my Facebook account in attempt to dull the voices out of my head, that urged me to honor my commitment and write. As I wasted time on the mind numbing FB, looking at other people's lives, a friend Im'd with a simple but profound question.

"Hey, how r u?"

Too which I respond, "Freaking horrible!"

It was a simple question with a simple answer and a simple outcome. I felt better. By the end of our 15 minute conversation I was not only laughing and light, I was feeling like things were okay again. As we hung up, or closed out of our search engines, I realized that now I had something to write about. I had something important to share. After all, that is the point of the blog, to help, not just to listen to myself type.

So today's 60 second tip to a better day: PHONE A FRIEND (OR FB THEM,) EITHER WAY YOU FEEL BETTER THAN YOU DID BEFORE THE CONVERSATION STARTED! (And if that friend doesn't work, try another;)

Until tomorrow, be blessed,

Lucy D.

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