Monday, September 21, 2009

DAILY TIP TO A BETTER AND SEXIER DAY: If your down chocolate is NOT the answer!

If your feeling down, like a lot of us are lately with a bogus economy, vanishing bank accounts and expanding waistlines a little chocolate seems like it may help brighten the day. But trust me, from someone who has tested the theory, it is not the answer. (And we all know one piece leads to 101 pieces blah blah blah...)

Instead how about a fall walk outside, some deep yoga breathes or a call to a friend. It doesn't scintillate the taste buds, but the result is much more pleasant and wont use up your caloric intake for the day.

SO YOUR 60 SECOND TIP FOR THE DAY (OR 30 SECOND) : Put down the chocolate and pick up the phone. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you!

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

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