Thursday, October 8, 2009


I'm back, feeling better, but not without a little damage.

You know when you are having the worst day? You are tired, or maybe sick or maybe just have your grumpy pants on? It's so easy to blame the person in traffic, your boss, or the person with 15 items in the 10 item or less line. The worst is though when you get home, and you still are angry, but now the bad driver is home, your boss is done work, the person in front of you has unpacked their groceries, but you are left with the bad feelings. The result, for me at least is I tend to act like a JACKASS.

I am mean, usually to the people I love. I am short tempered and rude and do things I don't even want to do. I hate that. I hate being that person, but instead of hating what you did and then just digging yourself deeper and deeper, I have a tip and trick to turn your grumpy mean pants around and make your day better. Ready? It's as simple as this: Just say sorry.

That's it, it's that easy. Just say sorry. Last night it took me eight hours of tossing and turning, not sleeping, being even more rude, but I finally caved and said "sorry." You couldn't imagine the almost immediate release of anger from my body. It disappeared quicker than a brownie from my counter when it's that time of the month.

Were there problems that needed to be talked about, in my case yes, but sometimes you can just say sorry and that is the end of the anger, the grump pants and your bad day. I always find it so funny, it takes just three words most days, I AM SORRY, and they sometimes are the last thing people thing of.

So today's tip to a better day; just say it, say "sorry." You'll be surprised how things start to turn around.

Be blessed until tomorrow,

Lucy D.

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