Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Life is hard sometimes. That's just the way it is. When we all are balancing so much, you are bound to feel tired, overworked, under appreciated and the list goes on. I know the experts say don't run out and shop your worries away, but I feel a need to tweak that statement a bit. Don't run out and blow your life's savings, but a small gift for yourself never hurt anyone, and in fact, it has only helped!

It doesn't need to be a new car, or hundreds of dollars of clothes, just a small something can lift your spirits. I was down today and I just got in the car and took a stroll to TJMAX. $19.99 and a brand new pair of jeans later, I felt like a new woman. Some people say that's fleeting happiness, I say that's a building block towards happiness. Is it the end all be all, NO. Will it solve my problems, NO. But it will help me to keep feeling positive, taking care of myself, my mind, my body and soul. It won't fix those things or heal those things, but it will nurture them and it DEFINITELY will make me have a better day!

So your 60 second tip for the day: Treat yourself, make it small, (or make it BIG if you have the money,) but make sure you nurture what you have built or it may slowly start to fade away. (And doing the work to get it back again will be A HUGE pain.)

Until tomorrow Be Blessed,

Lucy D.:)

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