Monday, September 14, 2009


HELLO BLOGGER FRIENDS!!!! Welcome back from the weekend!! I hope yours was filled with amazing things.

Quick update: Still unemployed and still hoping this is not Darwin's theory at work because besides the no job thing, I really like my life.

In the meantime, I am still on a mission; to bring you a tip each day in 60 seconds or less that will make your day a little bit better. My tip today is a rental, a cheap rental or even a cheap buy. (Hey, if a nine month unemployed, student loan filled, single gal could pick it up, you can too:)!)

The rental you cannot miss is a movie called "WIT." Never heard of it right? Neither had I until a friend, who was probably sick of me babbling about my problems, told me to check it out. So Saturday night after a good dinner with an even better friend, me and a bag of 94% fat free popcorn laid on my dull brown couch and soaked in a master piece.

In two words, unimaginably good.

If you want to be inspired to live a better life, watch WIT. If you want to be inspired to be a better person, take each day with a grain of salt and a bit of gratitude, watch WIT! You can get it for six bucks because 1.) It's old, and 2.) There obviously was no marketing budget because ten out of ten people I surveyed didn't know it existed.

Whatever your circumstance; too many projects, not enough projects, too many kids, not enough kids, this movie will turn your world around in a good way for once. So today, here is my 60 second tip, watch "WIT." It will make you laugh, cry and most importantly have a much, much, much better day.

See y'all tomorrow and thanks for reading.

Lucy D.

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